Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Cape Open Submissions: 1-30th June 2014

Writers, novelists! It's time to get those manuscripts polished and ready, because Jonathan Cape are on the wo/man hunt and have open submissions for fiction in June.

So, get those drafts ready... If you've got a finished work, brilliant! If not, unfinished work are still accepted. Novellas, novels and shorts are all fine, so there is a lot of scope for talented writers. Good luck!

Check out all you need to know here.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

The Elephont in the Room

What a glorious day, our favourite bluesy-rock band, RBRisers, are planning to drop their new EP, The Elephont in the Room, in days upcoming. If you haven't checked out their brand-spanking-new video on YouTube, go, it is a wonderful distraction or see below. Also available for a listen is my favourite track from the album, Same Old Road, over to the other side.

Physically copies will be out shortly after the digital release, but you can follow the boys on twitter and Facebook for updates.In the meanwhile, enjoy the music!